The Archive Centre was set up in 1999, initially with Millennium funding, in order to preserve, and make available locally, documents relevant to the town and surrounding area.

Honorary President

The Hon. Shân Legge-Bourke, DCVO


Chair Elizabeth Siberry

Secretary Genet Bevan

Treasurer Michael Davies

Committee Members

Hywel Bevan, Mark Cottle, John Evans, Paul Foley, Richard Sims, Ryland Wallace, Eliane Wigzell, Geoffrey Williams


Gwen Axford, Deidre Davies, Carol Davies Foster, Mollie Johnson, Helen Mackintosh, Doris Shellard, Karen Summers

Support the Archive Centre

The Archive Centre is a Registered Charity and is staffed and run entirely by unpaid volunteers.

To fund its continued existence it relies entirely upon subscriptions from its loyal Friends, sales of its publications, donations, research charges and grants (when available).

We welcome any contribution to our efforts to continue providing a fascinating and detailed resource of Crickhowell and its district's history.

Become a volunteer

Do you have a passion for history or for our local area? Do you want to use that passion and knowledge to help others? Our volunteers work on- and off-site in a variety of roles.

You could:

  • help run the office during opening hours
  • organise, catalogue or digitise our records
  • research enquiries from the public
  • get involved in writing, editing and producing our range of publications

and much more!

Please call 01873 810 922 or use the online form on the contact page.